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Our Team


Felicity Avery


Felicity graduated from the College of Osteopaths in the summer of 2021. Having two children and the pandemic within that time of study gave Felicity a new perspective on just how incredible the body is with functioning through stressful times.
Throughout her training, she developed a passion for Women’s health including pregnancy and paediatrics.  She particularly enjoys treating patients who have struggled with pain with no diagnosis or effective treatment from other healthcare providers; regardless of the pain location.
Her passion for osteopathy stemmed from experiencing treatment herself. At 18 she sustained a severe injury to her leg following being kicked by a horse.  After the NHS hamster wheel had spun for 6 months she was left with no option but to walk with a stick forever more and live with pain.  She was introduced by a friend to an osteopath; that introduction changed her life.
Her philosophy with treatment of patients is a partnership; working together to restore health. “Every treatment is individual to you, the patient, inclusive of your past medical history, your current mental and physical health, also your goals and expectations for moving forwards.
Whilst she can’t promise you miracles, she can show you osteopathy which is frequently compared to being the same thing!

Our Team: Our Team
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